Dig In Porty!


Growing veg

Fruit tree care

Love New Year Love Your Food!

The best, most loc­al, organ­ic, and tasty food is food that you have grown, pre­pared and cooked your­self!  We want to help every­one in Portobello to grow what they can, on their win­dowsill, in their garden, or on an allot­ment or on our planned com­munity farm.

We also want to help loc­al people save money and reduce car­bon emis­sions by learn­ing how to pre­serve food, reduce the amount of food they throw away, or com­post what’s left over.

PEDAL has been run­ning a series of courses and demon­stra­tions this year on grow­ing, pre­par­ing and cook­ing your own food. We ran sev­er­al courses on grow­ing veg in late spring and early sum­mer, and one on prun­ing fruit trees and bushes in August. This Autumn we had courses on bread mak­ing, pickle mak­ing, and cook­ing with scraps.

If you did­n’t make it along to these courses, but would be inter­ested if we ran some more on these or oth­er top­ics please let us know.

We are also adding use­ful links and ref­er­ences to the rel­ev­ant pages above or below:

For more inform­a­tion con­tact Polly Cooke, Food Worker, at polly@pedal-porty.org.uk or on 0131 258 4483.

One response to “Dig In Porty!

  1. Pingback: Places on Bread Making Course

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