Fruitful Porty

Portobello has a good cli­mate for grow­ing apples, pears, plums and cher­ries, and there are many such fruit trees in people’s gar­dens. However, many of us are spend­ing good money every week on fruit impor­ted from abroad.

So PEDAL is invit­ing Portobello res­id­ents, busi­nesses and landown­ers to become part of Fruitful Porty. The aim is to increase the amount of fresh fruit grown, stored and con­sumed in Portobello, and to raise aware­ness of the amaz­ing vari­ety of apples, pears and so on that are no longer avail­able in the shops (but could be again one day!)

Owners of new and exist­ing fruit trees can become part of the Fruitful Porty orch­ard.  Those who join up will receive invit­a­tions to com­munity har­vest­ing and cel­eb­ra­tion days, where loc­al people will join togeth­er to pick, store, pre­serve, cook and eat the fruit.

Following our pro­mo­tion and sale of more than 300 new fruit trees in Porty, we would like to keep in touch with their own­ers, provid­ing inform­a­tion on tak­ing care of trees, prun­ing and oth­er courses, apple juicing events etc.

I you have a mature fruit tree but can’t use all the fruit and would like to share it with oth­ers, please get in touch and we’ll help. We can also help you make juice from your excess fruit for your own con­sump­tion. PLEASE TELL US about trees or gar­dens where orch­ard fruit  may be going to waste!

Be proud to be part of Fruitful Porty, grow­ing and eat­ing healthy, loc­al, sea­son­al, pesti­cide-free Portobello fruit!

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