Portobello Market traders for Saturday 4th March

Dog’s With Rosie                     tasty treats and a fine vari­ety of accessor­ies for the doggy pal in your life plus info on dog hand­ling, agil­ity and train­ing classes

Pen and Ink I spe­cial­ise in intric­ate pen and ink draw­ings, sold as prints and oth­er products.

Simply Honey — Honey, bees wax, products of the hive

KAOS KIDS — Children’s and adults clothes, all hand­made using organ­ic, eth­ic­al, fun fab­rics. Sweatshirts, t‑shirts, leg­gings, dresses, snoods, accessories.

SWEETS4U — Traditional, Old Fashioned and Retro Pick & Mix Sweets, from all time favour­ite Bon Bons to an icon­ic Red Kola Cubes.

Edinburgh Fermentarium — Fermented foods

Support The Makers — Selection of loc­ally pro­duced hand­made products, includ­ing home wear, jew­ellery, accessor­ies & houseplantsBello Candles Candles, wax melts and diffuser’s

Bertos Brownies Handcrafted Brownies over 20 flavours

Stitches by Heather                  baby clothes and accessor­ies, head­bands, tops and ear­rings in a range of styles and designs from a loc­al crafter

Luna Candles Coconut and Rapeseed Wax Blend Candles, Wax Melts and burn­ers . Hand and Body wash and lotions. Aromatherapy Rollerballs, candles and Bath Soak

Cocoa Mania                            selec­tion of hand­made chocol­ate bars, lol­li­pops and filled ranges from a new loc­al chocol­ati­er – home deliv­ery option too, ask at the stall!

The Donut Man Edinburgh Fresh dough­nuts, baked goods, chocolates

STEKAskills Beautiful hand­made beaded christ­mas dec­or­a­tions , aprons and bags hand­made in Malawi all profits fund edu­ca­tion for people in poverty there.

Carpathian Knits Hand made, tra­di­tion­al, Ukrainian wool socks and gloves from the Carpathian moun­tains, Ukraine

Coastin’Creative — Homeware and gifts indi­vidu­ally hand­made by Mandy Orr. Using Jesmonite, con­crete, and slate. Sourcing eco friendly mater­i­als where pos­sible with little to no waste.

Caurnie Soaperie                      artis­an soaps and lotions of the highest qual­ity from a well-estab­lished and organ­ic Scottish source

Bellisimo Vino                              lux­ury Italian wines and beers with award win­ning labels from a fam­ily run busi­ness in Edinburgh also offer­ing a deliv­ery ser­vice too

Bakery Andante                        award win­ning Edinburgh bakery with a selec­tion of fine artis­an breads and qual­ity sweet and savoury pastries

Deli Francais                             per­son­ally chosen premi­um French del­ic­acies you can­not find in super­mar­kets includ­ing Périgord truffles, organ­ic bis­cuits and rillettes

Handmade by Meta                   hand craf­ted selec­tion of cre­at­ive gifts and artis­an­al range in unique and unusu­al designs

Windshiel Organic Farm           fresh farm reared meats to the highest stand­ard. Lamb, mut­ton, pork and beef joints, slices and saus­ages and lovely eggs too

Mud and Marsh Jewellery         hand made poly­mer clay jew­ellery inspired by the land, beaded and pearl jew­ellery, and hand dec­or­ated candles. Made in Edinburgh.

Woodmill Game — top qual­ity wild game with ven­ison pies, joints and bur­gers, game birds, saus­ages and more, all from sus­tain­able sources

The Cookie Crew — A vari­ety of homemade, freshly baked cook­ie products. Choices include reg­u­lar cook­ies, filled cook­ie cups, car­a­mel mil­lion­aires and dip­ping pots.

Acorn Print Studio Hand prin­ted lino prints, illus­tra­tions and tex­tiles inspired by themes of nature. Printed on recycled paper and using com­postable packaging.

Flavours ‘n’ favours — Home bak­ing, tab­let and fudge

Vegan Tipples — Vegan alcohol

Oldmangrey Illustration — My illus­tra­tions of dogs, cats, rab­bits, and oth­er wee pets prin­ted on cards, tote bags, note­books, A4 prints, memo pads, col­our­ing books, wrap­ping paper & mugs.

Organic Principles — Disabled Owner selling Handmade Ecoluxe Aromatherapy Candles, Soaps & Melts

Rhyze Mushrooms — Fresh Mushrooms, Mushroom cul­tivaiton sup­plies includ­ing spawn, Mushroom Grow at home kits and beau­ti­ful Mushroom art and paraphinalia

But N Ben Candle Co — Scented soy wax candles

Tom Wilson — Hand craf­ted items includ­ing pens, bottle ope­mers, jerry can bars, cake stands, candles, garden dice, pyrography

Portobello Central SCIO — Porty Food Map, info about Portobello Town Hall

OO Earrings Colourful state­ment ear­rings and accessor­ies hand­made in Scotland. Inspired by organ­ic pat­terns and awe­some scenery, all craf­ted with care and com­pletely unique. More info: www.ooearrings.com

KaMa Vegan Bakes — 100% vegan range of sweet and tasty savoury goods great for all to enjoy, all freshly made just for the mar­ket too!

Agnes’s Cakes — fine range of fresh sweet bak­ing with fla­voured brownies, tarts, tray­bakes and cheese­cakes and vegan choices too

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Recruitment of mem­bers via dir­ect deb­it (secure hand haled PDA) Pin badges for donations.

Woodland Trust We are the largest wood­land con­ser­va­tion char­ity in the United Kingdom con­cerned with the cre­ation, pro­tec­tion, and res­tor­a­tion of nat­ive wood­land heritage.

Hot drinks and Street Food at the mar­ket from:
Kawa Coffee Portobello based cof­fee roast­ers spe­cial­ising in single estate beans and premi­um spe­cialty blends

Kawa Rocket Coffee                     hot fla­vour­some cof­fees and teas, all made fresh to order plus a selec­tion of fine sweet bak­ing treats to enjoy whilst shopping.

Information stall

PEDAL – Portobello Transition Town      cre­at­ing a vibrant, sus­tain­able Portobello with a sus­tain­able loc­al eco­nomy. Also loc­al apple juice and pre­serves for sale

Portobello Local Amnesty Group — We are a loc­al group who care pas­sion­ately about stand­ing up for human rights and believe that togeth­er ordin­ary people can accom­plish change.

1 — RNLI crews and life­guards have saved over 142,900 lives since 1824 but we’re more than a res­cue ser­vice. We influ­ence, super­vise and edu­cate people too. Our Community Safety teams explain the risks and share safety know­ledge with any­one going out to sea or to the coast. And our inter­na­tion­al teams work with like-minded organ­isa­tions to help tackle drown­ing in com­munit­ies at risk all around the world.