Information for Stallholders

Portobello Market runs on the first Saturday of the month (except in January) from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm in Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello.

If you are inter­ested in hav­ing a stall, please down­load and read our stall­hold­ers policy and stall­hold­ers guid­ance below.  The mar­ket is oper­ated by SHS Events under con­tract to PEDAL, who remain the license hold­ers and set the policy on which pro­duce can be sold.

Stalls are stand­ard farm­ers mar­ket style Apex stalls, which have a 8ft x 4 ft table with a can­opy over the top.  You can book a whole or half stall. Prices are:

  • Whole stall = £55
  • Half stall = £30
  • Whole stall (char­ity or edu­ca­tion­al) = £30
  • Half stall (char­ity or edu­ca­tion­al) = £17.50

To Book a stall, please down­load, com­plete and sign the Booking Form and Liability Declaration above, and return these to

For inform­a­tion on our Stallholder Policy or mar­ket coordin­at­or and pub­li­city con­tact PEDAL at

12 responses to “Information for Stallholders

  1. Pingback: First Portobello Organic Market does a roaring trade!

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