Portobello Local Food Links

For a lar­ger image — click then click again

This is the map from Portobello as it is now to a future Portobello with a bust­ling High Street selling loc­ally made and grown food, where every­one is grow­ing their own fruit and veget­ables and keep­ing chick­ens and bees, and the chil­dren in the schools are eat­ing deli­cious fresh,  loc­ally grown food.  It was cre­ated at a loc­al food links dis­cus­sion at Portobello Community Centre on Tuesday 23rd November.

Here is a PDF ver­sion if you want to read what is covered on the map

Local Food Event Meeting PDF

If it inspires you and you want to get involved in any of the pro­jects please get in touch with polly@pedal-porty.org.uk or peter@pedal-porty.org.uk or phone the office to find out more.

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