Tag Archives: apples

Apple Day: Saturday 25th October 2.00pm till 4.30pm at the Orchard

Hello, it is time for Apple Day…

Squeezing apple juiceJoin us at the Community Orchard
Saturday 25th October
2.00pm till 4.30pm

Everyone Welcome!

Apple press­ing (Please bring apples if you have plenty to spare and a bottle to take some juice home).

There will be:

  • Apple tast­ing, games and crafts — if you have your own home grown Portobello apples please bring an example to show us.
  • Apple juice & jams for sale
  • Refreshments and home bak­ing — we would be grate­ful for any con­tri­bu­tions of home bak­ing, pre­serves and help but more import­ant: Come along and have fun.


Wassailing Celebration

Come and join in  a Wassailing Celebration at the Community Orchard on January 28th.

There will be a nor­mal work day in the orch­ard from 10am to 12 noon, fol­lowed by the was­sail­ing cel­eb­ra­tion from 12 till 2pm. The Apple Wassail is tra­di­tion­ally per­formed in the winter to bless the trees with songs and offer­ings of cider.

There will be an inform­al work­shop to learn some was­sail songs, includ­ing a newly writ­ten Edinburgh Wassail and a song spe­cif­ic to the trees in the Donkeyfield Orchard. This will take place on Monday 23 Janaury at 7 Rosefield Avenue, 7:30 – 9:00pm. Please let Jane know if you are plan­ning to come.