Traders’ List 7th December 2024


Mud and Marsh Jewellery   — Hand made poly­mer clay jew­ellery inspired by the land, beaded and pearl jew­ellery, and hand dec­or­ated candles. Made in Edinburgh.

Juan De la Pena — Water col­our artist fea­tur­ing loc­al Portobello views and much more.

Deli Français — Premium French del­icatessen foods and macarons.

Holly Grows — Flowers, gifts and wreaths at Christmas time

KAOS KIDS Scotland — Fun, com­fort­able and nature inspired cloth­ing for kids

Bakery Andante — Award win­ning Edinburgh bakery with a selec­tion of fine artis­an breads and qual­ity sweet and savoury pastries

Windshiel Organic Farm — Fresh farm reared meats to the highest stand­ard. Lamb, mut­ton, pork and beef joints, slices and saus­ages and lovely eggs too

Coastin’ Creative — Homeware and gifts spe­cially cre­ated by Mandy.

Toddlers’ Hut — Second hand toy sales

Natty Peeps — Handmade and cro­cheted wears for all.

STEKAskills — Malawian hand­made tex­tile-based arts and crafts, as well as key­chains and oth­er dec­or­a­tions made from beadwork

Alicja K — Water col­ours and mixed media arts — Christmas cards

Stewpendous — Not a soup mix nor a stew mix but some­thing in between.

Natasha’s Sewing Room — Christmas dec­or­a­tions, craft felt items, cush­ions, bags etc.

Pochle — Pochle Geal. An apple eau de vie made loc­ally. You have to taste to believe it’s so good.

Woolyhatz — Hand cro­cheted and machine knit­ted hats and accessories.

OO Earrings — Wooden jew­ellery hand made in Scotland.

Lewis Leap Scottish Charity — Wreath mak­ing kits, Christmas dec­or­a­tions and woollens.

Woodmill Game — Top qual­ity wild game with ven­ison pies, joints and bur­gers, game birds, saus­ages and more, all from sus­tain­able sources

Handmade by Meta — Hand craf­ted selec­tion of cre­at­ive gifts and artis­an­al range in unique and unusu­al designs

Reekie’s Smokehouse —  A range of small batch sauces such as Scotch Bunnet, Whisky Jerk Sauce, Irn Bru BBQ Sauce and many more.

Mama Mos Bows — Handmade hair bows and accessories

Law’s Bakery —  Cakes, tray­bakes etc.

Agnes’s Cakes — fine range of fresh sweet bak­ing with fla­voured brownies, tarts, tray­bakes and cheese­cakes and vegan choices too

High Street Trading Company Ltd. — Special spir­its and liqueurs — spiced rum etc.

Bello Candles — Candles, wax melts, dif­fusers and accessories.

Hot drinks and Street Food at the mar­ket from:

KAWA Coffee — Portobello’s own cof­fee out­let. Coffee to buy as well as to warm you up.

Redeemed Christian Church of God — Freshly made snacks like puff puff, meat pies, egg roll, dough­nuts etc.

Mizzica Sicilian Deli — Handmade Sicilian food: aran­cine, crostini, pan­inis, caponata, can­noli just as Inspector Montalbano would want.

Information stalls

Amnesty International — Portobello Group — Find out about the good work done by this organ­isa­tion focus­sing on human rights.