
Our grant fund­ing has come to an end for now, there­fore PEDAL no longer has an office.

You can con­tact PEDAL using the form below:

    Your Name (required):

    Your Email (required):


    Your Message:


    Please type the text shown above (to prove you’re not a com­puter send­ing us spam!): 

    You can con­tact us by email:

    Or by post:

    PEDAL – Portobello Transition Town, “Willowbank”, 13 Coillesdene Crescent, Edinburgh, EH15 2JH.

    and you can find us on face­book. Please add us as a “friend” to get reg­u­lar updates!
    Portobello Transition Town

    Create your badge

    Alternatively, feel free to ask ques­tions of any of the PEDAL Board if you bump into us!

    … or come to one of our work­ing group meet­ings and join in a dis­cus­sion on an issue you feel ener­gised by. We have groups look­ing at Energy , Food and the Community Orchard.