Portobello Market

Portobello Market com­pli­ments Portobello’s already vibrant and thriv­ing High Street, selling loc­al and organ­ic meat, bak­ing, and more.  Although food is the core of the mar­ket, we also include a selec­tion of loc­al crafts and oth­er organ­ic products.

The mar­ket is held in Brighton Park, just 5 minutes walk from Portobello High Street and all the fant­ast­ic shops and amen­it­ies there.  You can find your way to the mar­ket with this MAP.


Find out more about one of our award win­ning organ­ic pro­du­cers Windshiel Organic Farm

Markets are held on the first Saturday of every month, start­ing at 9.30am and clos­ing at 1.30pm. Dates are giv­en below. Click on those with links to view details of stall­hold­ers and pro­duce available.

  • Our next mar­ket is Saturday  5th April 2025- 9:30 until 1:30
  • A list of the traders attend­ing will be pub­lished shortly.

Please con­tact us if there is some­thing spe­cific that you would like to see at the market.

If you are inter­ested in hav­ing a stall, please vis­it our stall­hold­ers page for more inform­a­tion and con­tact details.


Following a couple of enquir­ies we have tried to answer the ques­tion Does organ­ic food costs me more?

PEDAL began Portobello Market with fund­ing to run tri­al mar­kets over five months from September 2010. These proved to be a huge suc­cess. The mar­ket is now run by a pro­fes­sion­al mar­ket oper­at­or — con­tact for inform­a­tion— who  provides stalls, organ­ises stall book­ings, and ensures the mar­ket com­plies with all rel­ev­ant legis­la­tion. PEDAL remains the licenses hold­er and over­sees the smooth oper­a­tion and ongo­ing devel­op­ment of the mar­ket through a volun­teer Market Group. Click on the link to find out more or get involved.

Find out more about the aims of Portobello Market.