Volunteering Opportunities

We have a great pro­gram of events tak­ing place over the next few months, includ­ing Organic mar­kets, a car-free day and allot­ment open day. If you can spare an hour or two to help out on a stall, set up stalls or dis­plays, or as a stew­ard at any of these events then please let us know, we’d be incred­ibly grateful!

We are plan­ning more events, but at the moment we need:

Market Stewards

To provide inform­a­tion on PEDAL ini­ti­at­ives and help with set up at start and clean up at end.  For dates click here.

  • 3 people needed from 8.30am ‑11.30 noon
  • 3 people needed from 11.30 – 2pm

Tenement energy champions

We aim to help people in tene­ments or flats to reduce their energy bills and make their homes cosi­er, by giv­ing energy advice and advice about effi­ciency meas­ures such as loft insu­la­tion and draught­proof­ing. Could you inspire your neigh­bours to make changes to bene­fit every­one in the stair, or help to deliv­er inform­a­tion leaflets?

Publicity helpers

We have ongo­ing events and orch­ard work­days, and wel­come help to pub­li­cise these with posters and fli­ers in and around Portobello.

If you’re inter­ested in any of these oppor­tun­it­ies, please con­tact PEDAL at info@pedal-porty.org.uk 

2 responses to “Volunteering Opportunities

  1. Pingback: Portobello Organic Market November 2010 | PEDAL – Portobello Transition Town

  2. Pingback: Volunteering opportunities with PEDAL

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