Well over a hundred folk participated …
in a wonderful evening of Salsa lessons & Dancing, a Presentation on Transition by Eva and an inspiring film on Saturday 21st Feb in St Philips Church Hall.
The film — ”The Power of Community’ — about Cuba’s experience of how to deal with Peak Oil (they lost 50% of their oil supply overnight) was followed by a brief but insightful discussion focusing on what we miss by living in a society obsessed with economic growth (a community where people know and trust each other, and have fun) and what we can do about it (have fun building a relocalised economy and community).
Charlotte and Emma did brilliantly to think up the idea and make the evening happen. Thanks also to Joan, Tom, Mary Jane and Alastair for helping out, and to Stewart Weaver, Alec and all at St Philips for allowing us to use their wonderful hall. Thanks to all who came and danced and watched and spoke, and thanks for the generous donations and to all who became members of PEDAL for a £1 …