Packed out Porty Buses to The Wave, & a packed out national Transition gathering in Glasgow

Portobello WaveDD!!! At 9am on a wet Saturday morn­ing, 80 of us climbed onto the two buses near the Town Hall that Tom Ballantine had organ­ised and headed over to Glasgow to join the biggest ever demon­stra­tion against Climate Chaos in Scotland.  In all, about 8,000 people walked behind bright ban­ners — the huge Porty flower made by Towerbank’s P7 def­in­itely the best! — it was a great turn out from Porty and a great turn out from Scotland (even if Glasgow Council, or was it the police, had insisted the march take the back streets, pre­sum­baly so as not to dis­turb the shopping!)

A bunch of us went on from the march to the nation­al gath­er­ing of Transition ini­ti­at­ives from across Scotland.  It was a fant­ast­ic chance to met up with oth­ers, exchange stor­ies, attend diverse work­shops, make a won­der­ful ceilidh, and have bril­liant child­care that cul­min­ated with the kids teach­ing US! If you missed it — and in par­tic­u­lar if you’re used to hav­ing to miss such things because the kids won’t be happy — come next year: the kids were more than happy, and we all returned fab­ulously recharged from the week­end. (But remem­ber to book early — there were way more folk who wanted to come than there was room for). See: Transition Scotland Support’s web­site:

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