Local Food Links Meeting

Local Food Links

Tuesday 25th January from 7 – 9pm

Portobello Community Centre

At the last Local Food Links get togeth­er we talked about what we wanted to to achieve in a years time…now we want to get things moving!

We want to bring togeth­er as many people as pos­sible who have been involved in PEDAL’s food pro­jects,  and people who are inter­ested in loc­al food but haven’t yet man­aged to get involved.  Folk will be able to choose the top­ic they’re most keen on and work with oth­ers to plan what can be done over the next year.

There are exist­ing pro­jects like Fruitful Porty or the Portobello Organic Market, which has been incred­ibly suc­cess­ful, but is only fun­ded until the end of March, so it needs volun­teers if it is to con­tin­ue being the great com­munity event it is.  As well as ideas for new pro­jects rais­ing loc­al food aware­ness or set­ting up a com­munity shop.

So, if you are inter­ested in the future of loc­al food in Portobello, come along!

We hope to see you there!

For more inform­a­tion on the first loc­al food links meet­ing see our earli­er post­ing and food page

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