SDE Network Page 1

1. Fairtrade Fortnight, Show Off Your Label, 28th Feb14th March

This year, Fairtrade is ask­ing you to get loud and proud and show off your label. Show off your pas­sion, your favour­ite product, your pro­du­cer stor­ies. Most of all, we want to show off Fairtrade cot­ton and high­light the injustices that make Fairtrade a vital life­line for cot­ton farm­ers in West Africa and India. Let’s show off a dif­fer­ent way of doing trade and why we sup­port it!

Posters, leaf­lets, Schools Action Guide, events are all on the web­site:

2. Trellis Annual Conference, Perth Concert Hall, 15th March

Trellis sup­ports and rep­res­ents over 180 thera­peutic garden­ing pro­jects across Scotland. This year’s con­fer­ence will be a show­case for the work of some of the inspir­ing and diverse garden­ing pro­jects in the Trellis net­work across Scotland and will offer del­eg­ates a choice of prac­tical work­shops on themes ran­ging from ‘Surviving Lean Times through Reinvention and Diversification’, to the value and chal­lenges of provid­ing Therapeutic Gardening in Secure Settings, a Fruit Tree Pruning Master Class and a chance to dis­cuss pre­lim­in­ary find­ings on the evid­ence for thera­peutic horticulture.

To book a place, please con­tact or tel 01738 624348. Full details also avail­able

3 Renewable Energy and Heat Fair, Nevis Centre, Fort William, Sat 19th March

As the cul­min­a­tion of the cur­rent phase of the 2‑year RENEW Project, a ‘Renewable Energy and Heat Fair’ is being organ­ized in Fort William. Renewable com­pan­ies based in Lochaber, and oth­er Scottish-based, accred­ited com­pan­ies have been invited to run info stalls.

For those who want to know more about a spe­cific tech­no­logy there will also be 75-minute work­shops for each of the three tech­no­lo­gies sup­por­ted by the Feed-in-Tariff (sol­ar PV, hydro and wind) and also for each of the three renew­able heat­ing tech­no­lo­gies (sol­ar thermal, bio­mass and heat pumps).

Robert & Justine Dunn, RENEW Household Project Officers, tel: 01967 402453, email:, web­site:


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