ToxMe at Portobello Organic Market, 3rd September

Come along at 10 am on Saturday 3 September to Brighton Park to cel­eb­rate the 1st anniversary of the Portobello Organic Market and also to take part in a major human art installation!

On Saturday 3rd September Portobello Organic Market will cel­eb­rate its first birthday.

At the same time in Brighton Park there will be a human art install­a­tion, ToxMe, cre­ated by vis­it­ing Italian artist Federico Calo’ in which every­one is invited to par­ti­cip­ate.  This event is part of Big Things on the Beach’s Public Art Fest, which takes place in Portobello from 27 August — 3 September — see for full details.

Toxme, Portobello is a human install­a­tion cre­ated by Federico Calo’.  The idea is born from a very simple real­ity: every year, each one of us con­sumes almost six kilos of addit­ives con­tained in food, but tox­icity also includes noise, urb­an anger, envir­on­ment­al pol­lu­tion, intel­lec­tu­al con­di­tion­ing and the dis­tor­tion of our per­son­al right to exer­cise and express freely what we really think.  The aim of ToxMe is to bring this real­ity into pub­lic aware­ness through the medi­um of pub­lic art. Federico Calo’ works around Europe and dir­ectly involves loc­al people as volun­teers to real­ise his videos. Big Things on The Beach and Federico Calo’, are recruit­ing loc­al volun­teers who want to take part in this ground­break­ing pub­lic event.

The jux­ta­pos­i­tion of this event with the Organic Market will demon­strate, by provid­ing a sharp con­trast between ToxMe and the mar­ket, that we are not pass­ive con­sumers of tox­icity but that rather, through the Transition Movement and the loc­al ini­ti­at­ives in Portobello designed to fight cli­mate change, we are facing the chal­lenge head-on to cre­ate a pos­it­ive and life-affirm­ing way of deal­ing with these issues.

This is a unique oppor­tun­ity to get involved in a his­tor­ic hap­pen­ing in Portobello and we hope you will join in.  To register your interest in this event, please e‑mail enquiries@bigthingsonthebeach (put ‘ToxMe’ in the sub­ject line).

See you there!

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