Nourish Conference: Scotland’s food 2020 — healthier, wealthier, greener, smarter, fairer?

28th and 29th September

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh

In the worst grow­ing sea­son for years, with dairy industry protests, the pig sec­tor under pres­sure and US drought push­ing grain prices to a record high, we face some big choices about the future of Scotland’s food. The Nourish con­fer­ence will explore Food 2.0 — a food sys­tem which feeds every­one well and afford­ably while deliv­er­ing vibrant, diverse and cli­mate-smart loc­al food economies.

Friday’s ses­sion will include a key­note address from Anya Hultberg from Copenhagen’s House of Food, which has con­ver­ted 75% of the city’s pub­lic food to organ­ic. On the Saturday the con­fer­ence will look­ing at how com­munity groups, NGOs, small pro­du­cers and con­cerned cit­izens can work togeth­er for a bet­ter food system.

 N.B Nourish are look­ing for loc­al organ­ic pro­du­cers to sup­ply sea­son­al food for the event, which the cater­ing team at QMU will cook. Please get in touch (see below) if you can offer some pro­duce in return for a free place at the event.

More inform­a­tion at soon. Meanwhile for more inform­a­tion or to offer to be a sup­pli­er, con­tact Pete Ritchie on phone 0131 243 2732 or 07794 610148

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