Portobello Book Festival is back! Oct 4 – 6th

Portobello Book Festival is with us again October 4th to 6th at both the Library and the Old Parish Church Hall on Belfield Street.

The line up is look­ing great, and includes:

Lesley Riddoch speak­ing on books that have inspired her at 2.15 upstairs in the Library on Sunday 6th. Lesley has her­self just brought out an inspir­ing book — Blossom — on how we have been brought up to think we can­’t make a dif­fer­ence to our loc­al com­munit­ies so there is no point tak­ing action, and yet just how much inspir­ing loc­al action is tak­ing place across Scotland.

Andrew Whitley at 3.15 upstairs in the Library speaks on ‘Food for thought: Bread for life’ — his book Bread Matters is described as a prac­tic­al manu­al and a bread revolu­tion manifesto!

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