Feeding the 5,000: 12 – 4pm, 5th October, Bristo Square and Potterrow

On Saturday 5th October, in Edinburgh’s Bristo Square, 5,000 people will be invited to share a deli­cious free meal from ingredi­ents that might oth­er­wise have been thrown away.

 Time: October 5, 2013 from 12pm to 4pm
Location: Bristo Square and Potterrow
Organized By: Nourish Scotland

Event Description:
On Saturday 5th October, in Edinburgh’s Bristo Square, 5,000 people will be invited to share a deli­cious free meal cre­ated by volun­teers, celebrity chefs and com­munity groups from ingredi­ents that might oth­er­wise have been thrown away. The meal will be served between noon and 4pm. 
This will be the very first time that Scotland has hos­ted a Feeding the5000 event (http://www.feeding5k.org) and fol­lows events in cit­ies around the world includ­ing London, Sydney and New York.
This event is being co-ordin­ated by Nourish Scotland in close co-oper­a­tion with sev­er­al part­ners includ­ing the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Students’ Association , the City of Edinburgh Council and Zero Waste Scotland.
The fest­iv­al will raise the pub­lic’s aware­ness of the whole food agenda and provide every­one with an oppor­tun­ity to con­trib­ute to a big con­ver­sa­tion about what sort of food strategy we would like for Edinburgh in the com­ing years and dec­ades. 
You can find out more about Edible Edinburgh at: http://www.edible-edinburgh.org
If you would like to volun­teer, there are 3 dif­fer­ent volun­teer­ing oppor­tun­it­ies. Please apply through EUSA’s volun­teer­ing web­site to the volun­teer role that you would like to take on using the links below.
NOTE: If you are not a stu­dent at the University of Edinburgh then you will NOT be able to apply through EUSA volun­teer­ing web­site but look at the dif­fer­ent roles lis­ted and instead please e‑mailsustainability.department@ed.ac.uk with a short applic­a­tion includ­ing your:

Which role you are inter­ested in
Availability for that role
Whether you can attend the train­ing if applic­able for that role
E‑mail address
Phone num­ber.

3 Volunteer Roles:
Social research­er — http://volunteering.eusa.ed.ac.uk/positions/836/
Steward — http://volunteering.eusa.ed.ac.uk/positions/846/
Practical volun­teer (set­ting up the event) — http://volunteering.eusa.ed.ac.uk/positions/847/
If you need fur­ther inform­a­tion about the event, please email mailto:F5K@nourishscotland.org.uk
We hope that you will join us on 5th October in Bristo Square for this excit­ing event!

See more details and RSVP on Nourish Scotland:

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