Workshop with Charles Eisenstein, 10 – 5pm, 16th November, Serenity Cafe, Edinburgh

Charles Eisenstein will be vis­it­ing Scotland for the first time in November 2013.
He will be offer­ing two pub­lic lec­tures – one in St Andrews and anoth­er in Edinburgh; one full day train­ing event in Edinburgh; an open-meet­ing in Findhorn Comunity; he will also be a guest speak­er at a train­ing course at Findhorn Community, ‘Transition to Resilience’

The aim is to make these events access­ible to as many people as pos­sible, and through­out Charles will dis­cuss the var­ied aspects of his work, his philo­sophies and the ideas behind his latest book out in November called ‘The more beau­ti­ful world our hearts know is possible’

Full details of all events here: http://char­le­sei­s­en­steins­cot­land­vis­

One day work­shop — 16th Nov 10 — 5pm, Serenity Cafe Edinburgh
This work­shop will has extremely lim­ited seat­ing and will be of par­tic­u­lar interest to change agents, per­ma­cul­ture prac­ti­tion­ers, earth act­iv­ists, trans­ition work­ers, com­munity work­ers and folks engaged in work designed to enrich not just their lives, but the wider Earth community.

Our plan­et, our bod­ies, our very lives have come to us as a gift. Having “earned” none of these things, our nat­ur­al tend­ency is toward grat­it­ude and the desire to give in turn, to serve some­thing great­er than ourselves. But we all have habits and beliefs that inter­fere with fully liv­ing in the gift. In this gath­er­ing, we will clear those block­ages so that we can be more effect­ive as change agents. Through dia­log and exper­i­en­tial pro­cesses, we will dis­cov­er keys to liv­ing in a state of flow, to giv­ing and receiv­ing more fully, and cre­at­ing things bey­ond our under­stand­ing of cause and effect.

Full details here: http://char­le­sei­s­en­steins­cot­land­vis­­ber-edin­burgh/
Bookings now being taken, tick­ets: http://char­le­sei­s­en­steinonedaytrain­

Edinburgh even­ing talk plus Q & A ses­sion with Charles Eisenstein, 17 Nov 7 — 8.45pm, Serenity Cafe, Edinburgh

Sacred Economics
We live in an abund­ant world. why do we exper­i­ence such scarcity, anxi­ety and insec­ur­ity around money? Why are we driv­ing the plan­et to ruin and how can we change course? Join the vis­ion­ary author Charles Eisenstien for an explor­a­tion of prac­tic­al solu­tions, start­ing on the per­son­al level and extend­ing to the polit­ic­al. At stake in today’s crisis, says Charles, is noth­ing less than the driv­ing nar­rat­ives of our civil­isa­tion. Everything is chan­ging — includ­ing our rela­tion­ships, our world­view, our inner lives, as well as our social and eco­nom­ic sys­tems.
Date: Sunday 17th Nov
Time: 7 — 8.45pm
Bookings now being taken, tick­ets: http://char­le­sei­s­en­steined­in­

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