Category Archives: carbon reduction

Next Steps to New Site for Community Wind Energy Project

Long stand­ing sup­port­ers of PEDAL will remem­ber that we won a UK-wide fund­ing com­pet­i­tion, in part­ner­ship with Greener Leith, to help us build a com­munity owned wind tur­bine at Seafield.

visualisation of how the turbines will look from a local access route.

Visualisation of how the tur­bines will look from a loc­al access route.

P&L Turbine hub-heightAlthough Scottish Water sub­sequently pulled out of the deal, pre­vent­ing us from build­ing a tur­bine at Seafield, we did not give up, and are now pleased to be able to con­firm that we’ve secured a new site for the com­munity tur­bine pro­ject — four kilo­metres south west of Inverness.

The agree­ment fol­lows a year of com­plex nego­ti­ations. The land deal gives us exclus­ive rights to con­duct stud­ies at the site and build two wind tur­bines of up to 800KWp capa­city each.

P&L Turbine tomfat-mapTo take the pro­ject for­wards we have estab­lished a joint ven­ture com­pany which is major­ity owned by PEDAL and Greener Leith. Consultants to the pro­ject, SCENE, own a minor­ity (five per­cent) stake.

In addi­tion, plan­ning per­mis­sion has recently been gran­ted to install a met mast on the site to meas­ure the wind resource, which will hap­pen in the next month or so.

The next step is to meet with the com­munit­ies near to the site.  We hope loc­al non-profit groups will become part­ners in the pro­ject too, and are offer­ing them the chance to invest in, and become part own­ers of it. We want this to be a pro­ject that brings real envir­on­ment­al and fin­an­cial bene­fits, not just to our own com­munit­ies, but to those where the tur­bines will be located.

We’ve already begun this pro­cess and will be present­ing on the pro­ject at Strathnairn Community Council’s meet­ing on 26th May.

The aim is to sub­mit a full plan­ning applic­a­tion to Highland Council some­time in August. If it gets plan­ning per­mis­sion, the pro­ject could gen­er­ate an estim­ated £7m sur­plus over the twenty year lifespan of the pro­ject, to be dis­trib­uted between the com­munity groups who invest in the pro­ject — includ­ing PEDAL  and Greener Leith.

A spokes­per­son for the pro­ject said:

“Signing a land deal is a huge mile­stone for this pro­ject. PEDAL and Greener Leith volun­teers have worked for years on this pro­ject and both organ­isa­tions remain firmly com­mit­ted to com­munity-owned renew­able energy. Our atten­tion is now focussed on identi­fy­ing poten­tial non-profit com­munity part­ners loc­al to the site who we can work with to help us take the pro­ject for­wards and share in the sub­sequent benefits.

“Although a lot still needs to hap­pen before we can be cer­tain the pro­ject will go ahead, we hope to put in a full plan­ning applic­a­tion later in the year, with a view to start­ing con­struc­tion on site in 2015. We’d like to thank all the people who have got behind the pro­ject, espe­cially our key fun­ders, for their ongo­ing support.”

You can find out more about the pro­ject at the spe­cially set-up web­site at

Feeding the 5,000: 12 – 4pm, 5th October, Bristo Square and Potterrow

On Saturday 5th October, in Edinburgh’s Bristo Square, 5,000 people will be invited to share a deli­cious free meal from ingredi­ents that might oth­er­wise have been thrown away.

 Time: October 5, 2013 from 12pm to 4pm
Location: Bristo Square and Potterrow
Organized By: Nourish Scotland

Event Description:
On Saturday 5th October, in Edinburgh’s Bristo Square, 5,000 people will be invited to share a deli­cious free meal cre­ated by volun­teers, celebrity chefs and com­munity groups from ingredi­ents that might oth­er­wise have been thrown away. The meal will be served between noon and 4pm. 
This will be the very first time that Scotland has hos­ted a Feeding the5000 event ( and fol­lows events in cit­ies around the world includ­ing London, Sydney and New York.
This event is being co-ordin­ated by Nourish Scotland in close co-oper­a­tion with sev­er­al part­ners includ­ing the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Students’ Association , the City of Edinburgh Council and Zero Waste Scotland.
The fest­iv­al will raise the pub­lic’s aware­ness of the whole food agenda and provide every­one with an oppor­tun­ity to con­trib­ute to a big con­ver­sa­tion about what sort of food strategy we would like for Edinburgh in the com­ing years and dec­ades. 
You can find out more about Edible Edinburgh at:
If you would like to volun­teer, there are 3 dif­fer­ent volun­teer­ing oppor­tun­it­ies. Please apply through EUSA’s volun­teer­ing web­site to the volun­teer role that you would like to take on using the links below.
NOTE: If you are not a stu­dent at the University of Edinburgh then you will NOT be able to apply through EUSA volun­teer­ing web­site but look at the dif­fer­ent roles lis­ted and instead please e‑ with a short applic­a­tion includ­ing your:

Which role you are inter­ested in
Availability for that role
Whether you can attend the train­ing if applic­able for that role
E‑mail address
Phone num­ber.

3 Volunteer Roles:
Social research­er —
Steward —
Practical volun­teer (set­ting up the event) —
If you need fur­ther inform­a­tion about the event, please email
We hope that you will join us on 5th October in Bristo Square for this excit­ing event!

See more details and RSVP on Nourish Scotland:

Apple Festival, 12 – 4pm, 6th October at the Botanics

Apple Festival

From 12.00 noon — 4.00 pm at the John Hope Gateway

An annu­al cel­eb­ra­tion of apples. The Saturday will fea­ture apple advice and iden­ti­fic­a­tion from 10am whilst the Sunday will include apple juice tast­ing. See and taste a wide selec­tion of apple vari­et­ies from 12pm both days, and find out how to grow them yourself.

This event is also run­ning from 10am — 4pm on Saturday 5 October.

With the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society.

Bill McKibben is talking on Fossil Fuel Divestment in Edinburgh, 30th October

 If it’s wrong to wreck the cli­mate, then it’s wrong to profit from that wreckage.

We’re all con­nec­ted to insti­tu­tions that claim to be look­ing out for the pub­lic good, from loc­al coun­cils and gov­ern­ments, to uni­ver­sit­ies, pub­lic banks and reli­gious insti­tu­tions. Many of these insti­tu­tions, how­ever, con­tin­ue to sup­port the fossil fuel industry wheth­er we know it or not. Given that we have to leave 80% of the proven reserves of coal, oil and gas in the ground in order to avoid cata­stroph­ic changes to our cli­mate, these insti­tu­tions have a respons­ib­il­ity to stop sup­port­ing an industry whose busi­ness mod­el is based on wreck­ing our future.

This autumn Bill McKibben, the crew, and a wide range of cli­mate lead­ers will hit the road to help build a move­ment strong enough to change the ter­ri­fy­ing maths of the cli­mate crisis. The Fossil Free Europe Tour isn’t your typ­ic­al lec­ture – it will include speak­ers from across social move­ments, power­ful videos, and music from the ground-break­ing artist Filastine. Grab a tick­et and be part of a unique and com­plete exper­i­ence, unlike any talk you’ve been to before.

7 – 10pm, 30th October, 

Asembly Hall on the Mound
Mound Pl 

Here’s the link to book a tick­et:

Pedal powered cinema at Occupy & Transition films, 5th and 12th December

Two films over two weeks re-launch­ing the Transition film even­ings (note dif­fer­ent times and venues);
*Please keep an eye out for this monthly reg­u­lar event start­ing Jan 2012*

Mon 5th Dec. 6pm : Pedal-powered cinema!! with Occupy Edinburgh and Powerpod
Venue : Occupy, St Andrew Square
Screening : Money As Debt

Please come ready to cycle power the film keep­ing you warm at the same time!!

Money as Debt is a short anim­ated doc­u­ment­ary by Paul Grignon about the mon­et­ary sys­tems prac­tised through mod­ern bank­ing. The film presents the pro­cess of money cre­ation by banks and warns of the eco­nom­ic sys­tem itself being the root causes of mon­et­ary instability.

* If any­one can bring their bike along to help power the film, we’d appre­ci­ate more bikes (with flat sur­faced tires)!! Please let Roland know on ;

Mon 12th Dec. 7.30pm
Venue : Brass Monkey pub, 14 Drummond St.
Screening : Age of Stupid

Age of Stupid – film/documentary nar­rated by an arch­iv­ist in 2050, look­ing back and ask­ing ‘Why did­n’t we save ourselves when we had the chance? Director Franny Armstrong (McLibel) used the “crowd-fund­ing” mod­el to fin­ance the film, and then spent four years fol­low­ing sev­en real people’s stor­ies from around the world to be inter­weaved: an Indian entre­pren­eur strug­gling to start a new low-cost air­line, a Shell employ­ee in New Orleans who res­cued more than 100 people dur­ing Hurricane Katrina, an 82-year-old French moun­tain guide watch­ing his beloved gla­ciers melt, two Iraqi refugee chil­dren search­ing for their eld­er broth­er, a young woman liv­ing in des­per­ate poverty in Nigeria’s richest oil area and a wind­farm developer in Britain bat­tling those who don’t want his tur­bines to spoil their view.

! Help needed !
We need some help pro­mot­ing and fly­er­ing this event which will be a reg­u­lar monthly gath­er­ing from Jan 2012. If you can take some fly­ers / posters away to put in pub­lic places, we’d be grate­ful for any sup­port. Likewise any­one who can spend an hour or two tak­ing a stroll around your loc­al shops, cafes and lib­rar­ies to put up posters, will be much loved by many !

Car Free Day Bike & Boat Parade!

Here is the report we sent to who want to use pho­tos of this and oth­er events hap­pen­ing across the plan­et today to pro­ject onto the UN build­ing in New York and let the powers that be know that the people will carry on lead­ing until the lead­ers follow:

“Here in Portobello, Edinburgh, Scotland, the sun shone and 50 folk turned out on their bicycles to cel­eb­rate a world mov­ing bey­ond fossil fuels.

“Another dozen folk on row­ing skiffs from our loc­al row­ing club joined in row­ing along the shore next to the cyc­lists as we pro­cessed to the site of what we hope will become the first com­munity owned urb­an tur­bine in the UK. The bicycles and boats were full of people of all ages, and the cyclists were led by a bike dec­or­ated as a great green dragon! With earth flags fly­ing and ban­ners read­ing “100% renew­able energy now” we enjoyed the sun­shine and renewed our hope that com­munity action — such as the com­munity orch­ard and oth­er food grow­ing pro­jects we have begun, and insu­la­tion pro­jects and the pro­posed com­munity tur­bine — can help ensure our chil­dren look back with hap­pi­ness at what we have done to ensure their lives are blessed with renew­able energy and renewed communities.”

We were blessed with won­der­ful sun­shine for Car Free Day 2011 (poster here), and we had a good turnout of all ages, earth flags, bikes, scoot­ers and row­ing skiffs.

We met at 2pm at the Cake Stand at the bot­tom of Marlborough Street, waited for the two row­ing skiffs to get ready with their earth flags fly­ing, then set off cyc­ling along the Prom to the beach below the pro­posed com­munity tur­bine site at Seafield. This year Our Car Free Day was held on inter­na­tion­al ‘Moving Planet’ Day of action (September 24th.)

Some folk spent the morn­ing at the Orch­ard for the Equinox monthly work day and then cycled down to join every­one for the 2pm start. Others joined the ‘Moving Planet: mov­ing bey­ond fossil fuels’ March and Rally at Holyrood before cyc­ling down to join our bike and boat parade. Others man­aged to fin­ish the shop­ping, or even get out of bed, in time to join us!

We had thought of hold­ing a time tri­al (see­ing how well a car, a bike, a skate­board, a skiff do racing against each oth­er if none of them are fossil fuelled!) but were informed by the police that all vehicles (except work vehicles) are banned from the Prom — which is a very good thing!

Ok, why not try to guess which of these four pho­tos chose to run with, and then think what title they might have giv­en it?

You can find out the photo and the unex­pec­ted title by click­ing HERE!

Getting Scotland Self-building

The Scottish Self-build Forum are host­ing a one-day work­shop on how to increase the num­ber of people build­ing their own home, on Wednesday 21st September. The day will explore the oppor­tun­it­ies for a more access­ible self build sec­tor through­out Scotland, to help boost loc­al eco­nom­ies and provide bet­ter, more afford­able (and we hope more car­bon neut­ral!) homes. The event is free for up to two del­eg­ates per organ­isa­tion. More inform­a­tion is avail­able here.

Back our Energyshare bid to boost community power

What the proposed wind turbine might look like

Artist’s impres­sion of the pro­posed wind turbine

A unique part­ner­ship between two Edinburgh com­munity groups has been estab­lished to devel­op a com­munity owned wind tur­bine on the coast between Portobello and Leith.

We would really appre­ci­ate it if you, your fam­ily, neigh­bours and friends back our bid by click­ing on the title in the box on the right to reach the web­site, and regis­ter­ing your sup­port for our tur­bine project!

PEDAL – Portobello Transition Town and Greener Leith have joined forces to con­duct detailed feas­ib­il­ity work on a site with­in the Seafield Waste Water Treatment Works. Early sur­veys sug­gest a wind tur­bine on this site has the poten­tial to gen­er­ate enough renew­able energy to sup­ply the annu­al elec­tri­city needs of 300‑1300 house­holds, depend­ing on the size of tur­bine installed. Continue read­ing

The UK Green Film Festival, Glasgow, 20 – 22nd May

This is a brand new, not-for-profit, fest­iv­al, tak­ing place at Glasgow Film Theatre show­cas­ing films and film­makers engaged with envir­on­ment­al and cli­mate change themes. The pro­gramme of films and events is designed to appeal to every­one, includ­ing fam­il­ies and schools. This fun and inform­at­ive fest­iv­al will also fea­ture film­maker Q&As, debates and fringe events.

Check for pro­gramme updates.


Want to be part of Scotland’s first ever online election debate on climate change?

Climate Change Election Debate
Wednesday 13th April, 7.30 – 9pm

The Scottish elec­tions are com­ing up fast.  Stop Climate Chaos Scotland is cam­paign­ing to keep cli­mate change firmly on the polit­ic­al agenda, and we need your support.

We’d love you to take part in the Climate Day Election Debate – a fant­ast­ic oppor­tun­ity to ask your burn­ing ques­tions about cli­mate change to your future politi­cians from the com­fort of your own liv­ing room.

Exactly three weeks today, the event will be broad­cast over the inter­net start­ing at 7.30pm. Tune in online to watch the debate and post your ques­tions by email, Facebook or Twitter, for party spokespeople to answer live.

Your involve­ment will help ensure our future politi­cians under­stand just how import­ant tack­ling cli­mate change is to the people of Scotland.

Don’t miss this unique oppor­tun­ity to make a big difference.

Register your interest and ask your ques­tion today on Facebook or by email.

Find out more about the debate

Gail Wilson
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland Co-ordinator