Want to be part of Scotland’s first ever online election debate on climate change?

Climate Change Election Debate
Wednesday 13th April, 7.30 – 9pm

The Scottish elec­tions are com­ing up fast.  Stop Climate Chaos Scotland is cam­paign­ing to keep cli­mate change firmly on the polit­ic­al agenda, and we need your support.

We’d love you to take part in the Climate Day Election Debate – a fant­ast­ic oppor­tun­ity to ask your burn­ing ques­tions about cli­mate change to your future politi­cians from the com­fort of your own liv­ing room.

Exactly three weeks today, the event will be broad­cast over the inter­net start­ing at 7.30pm. Tune in online to watch the debate and post your ques­tions by email, Facebook or Twitter, for party spokespeople to answer live.

Your involve­ment will help ensure our future politi­cians under­stand just how import­ant tack­ling cli­mate change is to the people of Scotland.

Don’t miss this unique oppor­tun­ity to make a big difference.

Register your interest and ask your ques­tion today on Facebook or by email.

Find out more about the debate

Gail Wilson
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland Co-ordinator

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