Category Archives: events

Apple Day: Saturday 25th October 2.00pm till 4.30pm at the Orchard

Hello, it is time for Apple Day…

Squeezing apple juiceJoin us at the Community Orchard
Saturday 25th October
2.00pm till 4.30pm

Everyone Welcome!

Apple press­ing (Please bring apples if you have plenty to spare and a bottle to take some juice home).

There will be:

  • Apple tast­ing, games and crafts — if you have your own home grown Portobello apples please bring an example to show us.
  • Apple juice & jams for sale
  • Refreshments and home bak­ing — we would be grate­ful for any con­tri­bu­tions of home bak­ing, pre­serves and help but more import­ant: Come along and have fun.



Aldi and Cruden are pre­par­ing pro­pos­als for a res­id­en­tial devel­op­ment of around 200 new homes and a new food store at Baileyfield, Portobello with asso­ci­ated car park­ing and landscaping.

Before sub­mit­ting an applic­a­tion, Aldi and Cruden will be con­sult­ing with the loc­al com­munity.  As part of this con­sulta­tion there will be a pub­lic exhib­i­tion of the pro­pos­als on Wednesday 18th June at Portobello Town Hall between 12noon and 7pm. 

Orchard Workshops: Songs for the earth: Monday, 28th July

Songs for the earth with Jane Lewis

Monday, 28th July 7 – 9pm

£6/2 con­ces­sions
Venue: Donkeyfield Community Orchard, Daiches Brae, near Brunstane Station

Come and learn some simple har­mony songs  around the bonfire and amongst the fruit trees in Donkeyfield Community Orchard. All songs will be taught by ear. All welcome!

Please book by July 21st. Contact Eve: or 07724 825 434 

Orchard Workshops: Learn to make a Pea cone: Sunday, 29th June

The first in a short series of 


Daiches Brae, near Brunstane Station

Pea cone workshop with Anna Leibmann

Sunday, 29th June 11 – 3pm, £30 (there are a few con­ces­sion­ary places, please con­tact us for details)

Learn to make a beau­ti­ful wil­low pea cone to sup­port your peas, or oth­er climb­ing plants. All mater­i­als provided, but bring your own lunch.

Please book by June 22nd. Contact Eve: or 07724 825 434 

Join PEDAL’s (FREE!) Trip to West Kilbride — 30th May


We’ll be leav­ing at 9.30am and return­ing by 5.30pm. Places must be booked — there are ten left: first come, first served, so hurry, hurry.  Email to book your place. Hope you can join us!

We’re hir­ing a minibus to go and vis­it one of Scotland’s real suc­cess stor­ies! A small com­munity which has turned its for­tunes around and re-vital­ised its High Street, buy­ing up empty shops and estab­lish­ing itself as Scotland’s Craft Town.

We want to hear first hand how they did it.

Our High Street is a very import­ant part of our com­munity and we want to see what kind of things we could do to make it more resi­li­ent and respons­ive to loc­al needs, includ­ing buy­ing prop­er­ties and start­ing social enter­prises. West Kilbride Development Trust has a lot to teach us about all this.

See more of their story below.


West Kilbride was once a thriv­ing coastal town, with a boast that the needs of res­id­ents could be catered for from the cradle to the grave.  A pop­u­lar hol­i­day des­tin­a­tion for Glaswegians hol­i­day­ing ‘doon the water’, at its peak loc­al bus com­pan­ies had to lay on addi­tion­al buses dur­ing the Glasgow Fair.

By the mid 1990’s the town’s for­tunes had taken a ser­i­ous dip, with 21 out of 40 retail busi­nesses hav­ing ceased trad­ing.  A loc­al tragedy gal­van­ised West Kilbride res­id­ents  and politi­cians alike, a pub­lic meet­ing was organ­ised  in 1996 by the area’s MP, loc­al inde­pend­ent Councillor  and oth­er loc­al act­iv­ists.  The area’s assets were explored and, as tour­ism was a key industry in the area, it was agreed that the town would add to this by devel­op­ing a spe­cial­ised theme to help revital­ise itself.  Since the idea was first developed and WKCIL was formed in 1998, the cre­ation of Scotland’s only des­ig­nated Craft and Design town has under­pinned a remark­able renais­sance in the retail and com­munity hub of West Kilbride.

Despite lim­ited resources and against a nation­al tide of town centre decline, the retail heart of the town has been pre­served.  To date, this has been achieved at a rel­at­ively low cost to the pub­lic purse and a sig­ni­fic­ant amount of com­munity fun­drais­ing.  Recognised nation­ally as an exem­plar of enter­prise, the pivotal role of the craft and design stu­di­os as West Kilbride’s “unique selling point” has been the driver of the town’s eco­nom­ic regeneration.

This innov­at­ive com­munity led pro­ject is an inspir­a­tion to North Ayrshire and its people because the cre­ation of Craft Town Scotland has man­aged to turn loc­al eco­nom­ic prob­lems into pos­it­ive enter­pris­ing action. It may not be a huge com­mer­cial pro­ject, but the Craft Town has added real artist­ic and cul­tur­al value to the area, bring­ing long-term and deeply felt changes to the loc­al eco­nomy.  Jobs have been cre­ated and secured, and the qual­ity of life for the people of West Kilbride is better.

Busking Bike at the market on the 5th April

In col­lab­or­a­tion with the Science Festival, we’re very pleased to wel­come the Busking Bike, who’ll be with us the whole morn­ing.  With mind-bog­gling exper­i­ments and dazzling sci­ence demos, Busking Bikes take street per­form­ance to a whole new level. Find out all about the latest devel­op­ments in Scottish sci­ence and wit­ness explo­sions, weird­ness and plenty of mess. 

Wassail singing workshop

There will be a singing work­shop to learn some tra­di­tion­al and some new was­sail­ing songs for the PEDAL was­sail on Wednesday 15th January at 7.00 – 9.00pm at 7 Rosefield Avenue.  Cost £5 per per­son to raise money for the orch­ard.  All wel­come — songs will be taught by ear so no singing exper­i­ence or abil­ity to read music required.  Children and young people wel­come provid­ing they are able to con­cen­trate and join in. Please con­tact Jane Lewis if you wish to come.


Sorry  today’s event is unfor­tu­nately can­celled due to per­sist­ent rain. 

You are all invited to the was­sail at PEDAL’s Donkeyfield Community Orchard on Saturday 25th January at 2pm — 4pm.

January is was­sail­ing time.  This is tra­di­tion­ally the time for singing rowdy songs in orch­ards to cel­eb­rate the har­vest from the pre­vi­ous year, chase away evil spir­its and so ensure a good crop in the com­ing sea­son.  Please bring noise mak­ing equip­ment (drums, whistles, pans), bread to hang on the trees, apple juice to soak the bread in, and wear scary clothes if you wish, to scare away any evil spir­its that may be lurking…

There will be a singing work­shop to learn some tra­di­tion­al was­sail­ing songs for the PEDAL was­sail on Wednesday 15th January at 7.00 – 9.00pm at 7 Rosefield Avenue.  Cost £5/£3 per per­son to raise money for the orch­ard.  All wel­come — songs will be taught by ear so no singing exper­i­ence or abil­ity to read music required.  Children and young people wel­come provid­ing they are able to con­cen­trate and join in. Please con­tact Jane Lewis if you wish to come.

PEDAL’s AGM: Jan 22nd 7.30 – 9.30pm, St. James’ Church Hall, Rosefield Place

Local micro­bi­o­lo­gist Dr Lorna Fyfe will be telling us about her recent research which revealed some amaz­ing qual­it­ies in our loc­al honey.  We’ll also have a run down of what’s happened over the past year and some of our plans for next year.

If you’ve been involved in any of the work­ing groups or are keen to get stuck in to some prac­tic­al pro­ject work, please do con­sider apply­ing to become a board mem­ber.  Fill in the nom­in­a­tion form below and send it to Neil, our sec­ret­ary before the 5th of January (his con­tact details are on the form).

PEDAL dir­ect­or nom­in­a­tion form

Nature is not for sale, 21st November, 6.30pm, St Augustine’s Church, George IV Bridge

WDM Edinburgh is hold­ing the Forum on Natural Commons to stand up to glob­al fin­ance and share ideas to pro­tect the our nat­ur­al world for the bene­fit of all.

Why? Because the United Nations, gov­ern­ments and glob­al fin­an­cial insti­tu­tions will be meet­ing at the same time in Edinburgh to plan how to put a price on nature so it can be bought and sold as a com­mod­ity.  So far this prac­tice has utterly failed to stop the destruc­tion of our forests, cli­mate and biod­iversity.  That’s why we’re com­ing togeth­er to dis­cuss altern­at­ives to selling off the glob­al commons.

We’ll be shar­ing good food and ideas with some of the worlds lead­ing thinkers on rad­ic­al glob­al eco­sys­tem pro­tec­tion, includ­ing Brazilian act­iv­ist Camila Moreno, with more speak­ers to be announced.

A light din­ner will also be provided.  You can take part on 21 November by regis­ter­ing for free on our web­site now:

Augustine United Church
41 George IV Bridge
EH1 1EL Edinburgh