Category Archives: Volunteering

Electric Bungalow Community Garden


Members of the Electric Bungalow Community Garden would like to thank the wider com­munity in Portobello for all their sup­port and encour­age­ment after the garden on Bath Street was bull­dozed last Thursday.

bath st memorial

Please feel free to drop by and add some­thing (per­haps draw a flower on the pave­ment, weave cloth or wool into the fence) to add to our memori­al just outside.

The group is con­sid­er­ing our next steps and will post plans on the face­book group and the PEDAL web­site in due course.

PEDAL ‘Street Level’ — make it happen on your street!


Would you love to have a street party on your street — but nev­er got round to mak­ing it hap­pen? Or do you think car-shar­ing with a few people who live close by would make sense, but you’re not sure how to go about it? Maybe you think it’s crazy that 10 people in your street have a lawn mower, when you could all just use the same one?

If so, Street Level may be for you.

It’s not com­plic­ated – just the chance to bring togeth­er a bunch of people who’d like to start some­thing good on their street — so they can share a bit of mor­al and prac­tical sup­port. Let’s get togeth­er, share ideas and resources and sup­port one anoth­er to make good things hap­pen on our streets.

The kinds of things we might do are:

Organise street parties

Join Streetbank

Get on-street bike storage

Start com­munity gardens

Build on-street planters/trees

Make or com­mis­sion pub­lic art

Share chick­ens

Start food/solar/insulation co-ops…

… stuff like that.

If you’re inter­ested, email or call Eva

Pedal powered cinema at Occupy & Transition films, 5th and 12th December

Two films over two weeks re-launch­ing the Transition film even­ings (note dif­fer­ent times and venues);
*Please keep an eye out for this monthly reg­u­lar event start­ing Jan 2012*

Mon 5th Dec. 6pm : Pedal-powered cinema!! with Occupy Edinburgh and Powerpod
Venue : Occupy, St Andrew Square
Screening : Money As Debt

Please come ready to cycle power the film keep­ing you warm at the same time!!

Money as Debt is a short anim­ated doc­u­ment­ary by Paul Grignon about the mon­et­ary sys­tems prac­tised through mod­ern bank­ing. The film presents the pro­cess of money cre­ation by banks and warns of the eco­nom­ic sys­tem itself being the root causes of mon­et­ary instability.

* If any­one can bring their bike along to help power the film, we’d appre­ci­ate more bikes (with flat sur­faced tires)!! Please let Roland know on ;

Mon 12th Dec. 7.30pm
Venue : Brass Monkey pub, 14 Drummond St.
Screening : Age of Stupid

Age of Stupid – film/documentary nar­rated by an arch­iv­ist in 2050, look­ing back and ask­ing ‘Why did­n’t we save ourselves when we had the chance? Director Franny Armstrong (McLibel) used the “crowd-fund­ing” mod­el to fin­ance the film, and then spent four years fol­low­ing sev­en real people’s stor­ies from around the world to be inter­weaved: an Indian entre­pren­eur strug­gling to start a new low-cost air­line, a Shell employ­ee in New Orleans who res­cued more than 100 people dur­ing Hurricane Katrina, an 82-year-old French moun­tain guide watch­ing his beloved gla­ciers melt, two Iraqi refugee chil­dren search­ing for their eld­er broth­er, a young woman liv­ing in des­per­ate poverty in Nigeria’s richest oil area and a wind­farm developer in Britain bat­tling those who don’t want his tur­bines to spoil their view.

! Help needed !
We need some help pro­mot­ing and fly­er­ing this event which will be a reg­u­lar monthly gath­er­ing from Jan 2012. If you can take some fly­ers / posters away to put in pub­lic places, we’d be grate­ful for any sup­port. Likewise any­one who can spend an hour or two tak­ing a stroll around your loc­al shops, cafes and lib­rar­ies to put up posters, will be much loved by many !

Bike route Ambassadors needed!

The Bike Station is look­ing to recruit ten volun­teer “bike route ambas­sad­ors” for a new social media pro­ject in Edinburgh. The ambas­sad­ors will help to pro­mote a new map of Edinburgh’s extens­ive off-road cycle routes and walk­ways, many of which are based on old train lines that once ran through the city.

The Innertube Map is based on the clas­sic London Tube Map, and aims to raise aware­ness of the city’s impress­ive net­work of routes. 30,000 cop­ies of the map have just been prin­ted, and the team behind the pro­ject recently received fund­ing from The People’s Postcode Lottery Dream Fund to take the pro­ject to a whole new level.

The role of the ambas­sad­ors will be to cov­er dif­fer­ent sec­tions of the route near to where they live for both a group blog and an inter­act­ive online ver­sion of the map.

They’ll be trained to use mul­ti­me­dia 3G phones so that they can blog, tweet, and take geo-tagged pho­tos, videos and audio record­ings of what’s hap­pen­ing on and around the routes, and draw atten­tion to prob­lems like fly-tip­ping and lit­ter where they occur.

You don’t have to be a cyc­list to become one of  the ambas­sad­ors — all sorts of people use the routes, for everything from walk­ing their dogs to horse rid­ing. But we are look­ing for people who are act­ive and engaged loc­al cit­izens, inter­ested in the poten­tial of the routes, and ideally inter­ested in learn­ing about social media.

You’ll also receive bike safety and main­ten­ance train­ing, and will help pro­ject part­ners Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust in import­ant con­ser­va­tion work on some of the routes around the city.

If you’re inter­ested in becom­ing an ambas­sad­or you can email for more inform­a­tion about the role.


Planting Week at Greendykes Allotments

Greendykes Organic Allotments are hold­ing a Planting Week between 4 – 11th March. To kick start things they are look­ing for volun­teers to help plant 200 nat­ive trees on 4th March between 10am — 2pm.

Tools, gloves and refresh­ments will be provided. Bring spades or extra plants if you have them!

For fur­ther inform­a­tion please con­tact Brian Shields on 0131 6613504 (wk) or 0131 6605351 (hm) or

Local Food Links Meeting

Local Food Links

Tuesday 25th January from 7 – 9pm

Portobello Community Centre

At the last Local Food Links get togeth­er we talked about what we wanted to to achieve in a years time…now we want to get things moving!

We want to bring togeth­er as many people as pos­sible who have been involved in PEDAL’s food pro­jects,  and people who are inter­ested in loc­al food but haven’t yet man­aged to get involved.  Folk will be able to choose the top­ic they’re most keen on and work with oth­ers to plan what can be done over the next year.

There are exist­ing pro­jects like Fruitful Porty or the Portobello Organic Market, which has been incred­ibly suc­cess­ful, but is only fun­ded until the end of March, so it needs volun­teers if it is to con­tin­ue being the great com­munity event it is.  As well as ideas for new pro­jects rais­ing loc­al food aware­ness or set­ting up a com­munity shop.

So, if you are inter­ested in the future of loc­al food in Portobello, come along!

We hope to see you there!

For more inform­a­tion on the first loc­al food links meet­ing see our earli­er post­ing and food page

First Portobello Organic Market does a roaring trade!

The first Portobello Organic Market took place on a very sunny Saturday 4th September. Over a peri­od of four hours, more than one thou­sand people des­cen­ded on Brighton Park to buy lovely loc­al and organ­ic food, drink and crafts. Initial feed­back from sev­er­al loc­al traders sug­gests that the event had a very pos­it­ive effect on High Street busi­nesses too.

The mar­ket was offi­cially opened with a short speech and rib­bon cut­ting by Councillor Tom Buchanan, Convenor of Economic Development at City of Edinburgh Council.

The mar­ket will con­tin­ue to run on the first Saturday of every month, from 10am to 2pm in Brighton Park. We are look­ing to ensure future events reflect the feed­back we have received — in par­tic­u­lar we aim to change the lay­out of stalls to reduce crowding, and to have a wider range of pro­duce for sale as well as stalls selling teas/coffees and hot and cold snacks.

You can view more inform­a­tion about the Organic Market and how to book a stall via these links.

Volunteering opportunities with PEDAL

We have a great pro­gram of events hap­pen­ing over the next few months, includ­ing three Organic mar­kets, a car-free day and an allot­ment open day. If you can spare an hour or two to help out on a stall, set up stalls and dis­plays, or as a stew­ard at any of these events then please let us know. To find out more, vis­it our volun­teer­ing page to see what oppor­tun­it­ies are avail­able, or ring PEDAL on 0131 258 4483.