Tag Archives: events

Wassailing Celebration

Come and join in  a Wassailing Celebration at the Community Orchard on January 28th.

There will be a nor­mal work day in the orch­ard from 10am to 12 noon, fol­lowed by the was­sail­ing cel­eb­ra­tion from 12 till 2pm. The Apple Wassail is tra­di­tion­ally per­formed in the winter to bless the trees with songs and offer­ings of cider.

There will be an inform­al work­shop to learn some was­sail songs, includ­ing a newly writ­ten Edinburgh Wassail and a song spe­cif­ic to the trees in the Donkeyfield Orchard. This will take place on Monday 23 Janaury at 7 Rosefield Avenue, 7:30 – 9:00pm. Please let Jane know if you are plan­ning to come.

Volunteering opportunities with PEDAL

We have a great pro­gram of events hap­pen­ing over the next few months, includ­ing three Organic mar­kets, a car-free day and an allot­ment open day. If you can spare an hour or two to help out on a stall, set up stalls and dis­plays, or as a stew­ard at any of these events then please let us know. To find out more, vis­it our volun­teer­ing page to see what oppor­tun­it­ies are avail­able, or ring PEDAL on 0131 258 4483.

Cuba Night was-salsa brilliant!

Well over a hundred folk participated …

in a won­der­ful even­ing of Salsa les­sons & Dancing, a Presentation on Transition by Eva and an inspir­ing film on Saturday 21st Feb in St Philips Church Hall.

The film — ”The Power of Community’ — about Cuba’s exper­i­ence of how to deal with Peak Oil (they lost 50% of their oil sup­ply overnight) was fol­lowed by a brief but insight­ful dis­cus­sion focus­ing on what we miss by liv­ing in a soci­ety obsessed with eco­nom­ic growth (a com­munity where people know and trust each oth­er, and have fun) and what we can do about it (have fun build­ing a relo­c­al­ised eco­nomy and community).

Charlotte and Emma did bril­liantly to think up the idea and make the even­ing hap­pen. Thanks also to Joan, Tom, Mary Jane and Alastair for help­ing out, and to Stewart Weaver, Alec and all at St Philips for allow­ing us to use their won­der­ful hall. Thanks to all who came and danced and watched and spoke, and thanks for the gen­er­ous dona­tions and to all who became mem­bers of PEDAL for a £1 …



Join Porty’s New Year’s Resolution…

New Year's Resolution posterLose 3 tonnes in just 3 months

If we all put in one new low energy light­bulb each we can reduce Portobello’s Carbon Emissions by 3 tonnes AND save money …

Come and get Free low energy light­bulbs from …
PEDAL — Portobello Transition Town, 90 High Street, Portobello

Also see the draft Community CO2 Reduction Plan