Tag Archives: office

Jobs with PEDAL

PEDAL — Portobello Transition Town is recruit­ing two work­ers to help deliv­er our car­bon reduc­tion initiative.

  1. Low Carbon Living Co-ordin­at­or (£28152 pa, 35 hours per week)
  2. Office Manager (£23,000 pa pro rata, part-time, 21 hours per week)

Both posts are sub­ject to con­firm­a­tion of fund­ing by the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund and will be time lim­ited until end March 2012.  If our fund­ing bid is suc­cess­ful, the pro­ject will start as soon as pos­sible after April 1st.

If you would like to apply for either job, please down­load the doc­u­ments below:

Please return your com­pleted applic­a­tion form by the clos­ing date of 5pm Monday 14th March by email to tom@pedal-porty.org.uk or by post to PEDAL, Unit 1A The Stables, 38 Baileyfield Road, Edinburgh EH15 1NA

Please note that we will only be able to con­tact applic­ants whom we short­l­ist for inter­view. Interviews will be held dur­ing the week begin­ning 21st March.

For an inform­al chat about either of these posts please con­tact Tom Black on 0131 258 4483 or or Jane Lewis on 0131 669 5591.

Next PEDAL meeting = July 6th


TUESDAY 6th July in PEDAL Office, 90 High Street (unless it is moved for child mind­ing reas­ons — watch this space!)

The new office opened on Saturday 10th January, with a lovely new ban­ner. Lots of light­bulbs were giv­en away, and have been ever since …