Fire Under the Stars: Environmental songs, stories and humour with Eric Maddern

We became human sit­ting round a fire under the stars. We are now burn­ing up the plan­et. We are a mir­acle in the Universe yet we are under­min­ing our sur­viv­al and the sur­viv­al of the Garden of Eden that is our lovely, lonely, liv­ing Planet Earth.

This show is a bold, inspir­ing, hope­ful and heart-warm­ing take on the big pic­ture and the step up we must make.

Eric Maddern is an Australian born storyteller, sing­er-song­writer and author

St. James’ Church hall, Rosefield Place

Sunday June 20th 7.30pm. Suggested dona­tion: £5. Suitable for all aged 10 upwards.

After the show there will be a chance to find out how you can get involved in PEDAL’s latest food and energy projects.

Eric is a great per­former and I’m sure it will be a great event!

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