FREE Community Gardener Training

In February and March 2011, The Edinburgh Community Backgreens Association (ECBA) will be run­ning a FREE Community Gardener train­ing pro­gramme, cov­er­ing all the skills you need to become a fully fledged com­munity garden­er in your neighbourhood.

During the course of the train­ing, we will estab­lish a com­munity garden­er net­work so the par­ti­cipants can sup­port each other’s pro­jects after the train­ing has finished.

This train­ing is for any­one who is involved in com­munity garden­ing pro­jects, or any­one who would like to start or get involved with a pro­ject.  The par­ti­cip­at­ory approach to train­ing means that we will draw on par­ti­cipants’ var­ied know­ledge and exper­i­ences to learn.

Course Content
some of the key themes we will cov­er are:

* Models for Community Gardening with­in a Tenemental Context
* How to recruit group mem­bers and pub­li­cise Community Backgreen projects
* Design Issues and cre­at­ing a devel­op­ment plan for your site
* Carrying out your back­green plans: run­ning work­shops etc
* Running a Community Backgreen Group
* Establishing a sup­port net­work for the newly trained Community Gardeners

Dates and Location
The Community Gardener train­ing will run on four full Saturdays from 10am-5pm, (with reg­u­lar refresh­ment breaks). The train­ing will be held at the ECBA offices: 5 Rose Street  The dates of the work­shops will be:

Saturday 12th February
Saturday 26th February
Saturday 12th March
Saturday 26th March

Registration and Attendance
You can attend just some or all of the work­shops, as long as you let ECBA know in advance which ones you plan to attend.  To register for the course:
email, or call 0131 248 2698

For more inform­a­tion see the ECBA web­site —

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