City Council launches bargain bike storage offer

Edinburgh res­id­ents have the oppor­tun­ity to buy bike racks and oth­er stor­age equip­ment at reduced cost from the City Council if ordered by January 17th.

The equip­ment can be ordered for tene­ments or oth­er res­id­en­tial loc­a­tions and will be installed by mid-February. The move is part of the Council’s Active Travel action plan to increase bike own­er­ship and use in the city.Delivery charges will be shared, sig­ni­fic­antly redu­cing costs.

Those inter­ested should make sure they select equip­ment which meets rel­ev­ant secur­ity and con­veni­ence needs. Residents are being encour­aged to talk to neigh­bours, land­lords and oth­er rel­ev­ant per­sons, espe­cially if there is a com­mon stair­well, garden or back-green.

More inform­a­tion on the types of product avail­able and rough costs are avail­able on the Spokes web­site. This also gives inform­a­tion on what to do next if you are inter­ested in the offer. Some ideas that flat dwell­ers have already imple­men­ted to improve their bike stor­age can be found in this Spokes fact-sheet.

The offer only applies to Edinburgh City Council residents.

Contact for details.

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