Invitation to PEDAL’s 2011 AGM and ‘Creating the Future Now!’ session

When: 7.30 – 9.30pm, Thursday 16th June 2011

Where: Portobello Baptist Church Hall, 185 Portobello High Street (next to the Portobello Bar).

Despite recent fund­ing dis­ap­point­ments, PEDAL con­tin­ues to go from strength to strength — pro­gress­ing exist­ing pro­jects, ini­ti­at­ing new ones and attract­ing more and more loc­al people. The loss of core fund­ing — and there­fore paid staff and an office — will impact on what we can do in the short term, but PEDAL con­tin­ue to have ambi­tious plans to help Portobello become more sustainable.

Please come along to hear about what we achieved last year, excit­ing pro­jects you can get involved in this year, and what oth­er trans­ition groups around the coun­try have been up to.  This is also an oppor­tun­ity to become a mem­ber of PEDAL.

All wel­come!

Please bring some home-made food to share if you can.


7.30pm            PEDAL 2011 AGM

  • Welcome and apologies
  • Minutes of 2010 AGM
  • Chairs Report
  • Financial Report
  • Resolution on mem­ber­ship / mem­ber­ship fee
  • Elections to PEDAL Board

8pm            AGM ends, Creating the Future Now! starts

8pm            Transition Scotland Film 

8.20            Local Currency (Edinburgh Pound) speak­er and Q&A

8.40            Break for Refreshments

8.50            Projects Going Forward 

Your chance to hear about and get involved in PEDAL pro­jects dur­ing 2011 – 2012! This will include a brief over­view of PEDAL’s exist­ing and planned pro­jects, fol­lowed by group dis­cus­sion on the way for­ward. These are:

  • Donkeyfield Community Orchard
  • Community Growing Spaces
  • Portobello Organic Market
  • A Community Bakery
  • Portobello & Leith Community Wind Energy Project
  • Energy Saving
  • Transport ideas (includ­ing Car Free Day)
  • Local Currency
  • Using Social media to spread the word

9.20            Activity Tables and Membership Sign-up

An oppor­tun­ity for you to become a mem­ber of PEDAL or sign-up to par­ti­cip­ate in the project(s) that grab you! There will be tables where you can find out more about par­tic­u­lar pro­jects and how to get more involved.

9.30            End


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