Saturday 19 May, 10.30 am – open visit to the Community Gardens and Orchard in Portobello

The next vis­it in the Eat, Meet and Talk series — is our own Orchard!
Meet out­side Brunstane Railway Station at 10.30 am

Volunteers in Portobello have planted around 90 fruit­ing trees such as apples, pears, plums and cher­ries, par­tic­u­larly focus­ing on a range of unusu­al, old and loc­al vari­et­ies. They are also plant­ing soft fruit bushes such as cur­rants and goose­ber­ries, and have plans to plant trees such as wil­low and hazel that can be used for cop­picing and to make fen­cing or seat­ing for the area, or for craft activ­it­ies such as bas­ket weav­ing. They have installed bee hives and there is an act­ive and trained bee-keep­ing group. The gar­dens are an example of how vol­un­tary enthu­si­asm and effort can trans­form vacant ground into pro­duct­ive land in the city. The vis­it will tell you about the real­ity behind mak­ing a pro­ject like this happen.

Please email Eva Schonveld to let her know if you plan to come to this event, or if you need any more information.

»> Reports of the vis­it to Whitmuir Organics and the talks by Eleanor Cunningham of the Edinburgh Larder and Denise Walton of Peelham Farm are now avail­able on the ELFN web-site:

Next event – 7 June John Fletcher of Fletchers Venison, Auchtermuchty, 7 pm, Edinburgh Larder.

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