DIY Energy Efficiency Workshops

EWH offers free workshops on how to winter-proof your home

Dear Resident,

For the second year in a row Edinburgh World Heritage is part­ner­ing with Greenworks in run­ning these hugely pop­u­lar courses.
The courses are aimed at someone new to DIY or sav­ing energy in the home. We look at the basic uses of energy in the home and what prac­tic­al actions can be made to reduce fuel bills and heat loss at home. Each hands-on work­shop focuses on key skills and tools, and demon­strates how to get the best res­ults. A very enjoy­able way to learn use­ful skills.

The courses are held at Greenworks in Leith, an envir­on­ment­al char­ity that helps people learn new skills by provid­ing the expert­ise, mater­i­als, tools and space.

Don’t miss these dates!

  • ·         Draught-proof­ing your home — Saturday 13 October, 2pm till 5pm
  • ·         Sash & Case win­dows and Repairing shut­ters — Sunday 14 October, 2pm till 5pm
  • Self energy audit and loft insu­la­tion — Sunday 28 October, 2pm till 5pm


Feedback from last year’s participants:

Rebecca: “I loved your work­shops, learned a huge amount and have already star­ted work­ing on get­ting my shut­ters sor­ted. Credit to Greenworks too as Simon is a great tutor and the laid back atmo­sphere and small groups were espe­cially bene­fi­cial. Are you going to run more? I have a friend that would love to come.”

Andy: “Thank you for the work­shop on Saturday, which was use­ful and got me think­ing on a few ways to sort my flat. With best wishes and thanks again.”

Melanie: “It was very use­ful and I am glad I learned more than just to clean and how to open my win­dows. Thanks for let­ting me know about them.”

All work­shops are free of charge, but places are lim­ited. To book your place in advance, please reply to this email or con­tact Chiara Ronchini at 0131 220 7720.

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