Category Archives: gardening

Community Growing Spaces Meeting

PEDAL has been offered a num­ber of bits of land to use as com­munity food grow­ing spaces. We now need to work out how we are going to use them – is there a group want­ing to take on each of the spaces? Would people like a train­ing course (we would need to charge for this as we don’t have any more fund­ing) to kick start the process?

Would you like to get involved in devel­op­ing a com­munity farm?

If you think this sounds excit­ing and would like to get involved in any way then please come to a meet­ing on Tuesday 26th April 7.30 – 9.30 at Portobello Community Centre.  If you’re not able to make the meet­ing but are inter­ested in get­ting involved please let me know

Look for­ward to see­ing you there.


Free orchard management course

Fruitful Skills for a Fruitful Scotland

Interested in setting up or running a community or school orchard?
Want to know more about caring for trees in an established orchard?

Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust is offer­ing a free com­munity orch­ards man­age­ment course on Saturday 26th March, 10am — 4pm

Aimed at people already run­ning or think­ing about set­ting up a com­munity orch­ard, for more details see ELGT’s web­site

Scottish Orchards Fife Networking events

Please see inform­a­tion about the Scottish Orchards Fife/ East Coast Gathering

They are look­ing to roll out this train­ing and net­work­ing to oth­er parts of Scotland so even if you cant get to this one, they are open to ideas.

Scottish Orchards Fife_East Coast Gathering[1]

Planting Week at Greendykes Allotments

Greendykes Organic Allotments are hold­ing a Planting Week between 4 – 11th March. To kick start things they are look­ing for volun­teers to help plant 200 nat­ive trees on 4th March between 10am — 2pm.

Tools, gloves and refresh­ments will be provided. Bring spades or extra plants if you have them!

For fur­ther inform­a­tion please con­tact Brian Shields on 0131 6613504 (wk) or 0131 6605351 (hm) or

Grow your own vegetables course

Are you inter­ested in grow­ing your own veget­ables but don’t know where to start?  Join Damhead Nursery where veget­able expert Jim Williams from the National Vegetable Society will be intro­du­cing you to the delights of grow­ing your own food, how to estab­lish a kit­chen garden and pick up simple tips to get you star­ted, wheth­er you have a large over­grown plot, small patch or a win­dow box.  He will cov­er top­ics such as seed sow­ing, get­ting the best out of your green­house, pests/weed con­trol, com­post­ing, crop rota­tion and soil pre­par­a­tion.  After his talk par­ti­cipants will ven­ture into the nurs­ery for a hands-on prac­tic­al exercise.

When Friday 11 March 2011
Where Damhead Nursery
Time 1:30pm — 4:00pm
Cost £25.00 (includ­ing tea/coffee & cake)
Bring Warm clothes for hands on prac­tic­al outside/poly tunnel
Booking There are a lim­ited num­ber of spaces.  To book your place either call

Damhead Nursery on 0131 445 4698 or email

Potato Day

Hi everyone,Please find attached a pro­mo­tion­al fly­er for Bridgend’s annu­al Potato Day on Sunday February 20th. Please note that this event is being held at the Bridgend Allotments on Old Dalkeith Road and NOT at Inch House as in pre­vi­ous years. Parking is lim­ited, so if you’re com­ing by car, please try to park elsewhere.

If you are com­ing to buy seed pota­toes, we would appre­ci­ate it if you could bring your own bags! A list of seed vari­et­ies avail­able is also attached.

Hope to see you on the 20th.

Tattie Day 2011

Seed Tattie List 2011

Rob Ford

Project Officer

Bridgend Allotments Community Health Project

Tel. 07789 650878

Mushroom Growing Course

Learn to cul­tiv­ate your own mush­rooms, such as oyster mush­rooms on logs (as well as oth­er environments/ sub­strates). 19th February 10am-1pm at the por­to­bello com­munity cen­ter.  The course will be led by mush­room expert Dr Neville Kilkenny. Please con­tact us for fur­ther details.

Local Food Links Meeting

Local Food Links

Tuesday 25th January from 7 – 9pm

Portobello Community Centre

At the last Local Food Links get togeth­er we talked about what we wanted to to achieve in a years time…now we want to get things moving!

We want to bring togeth­er as many people as pos­sible who have been involved in PEDAL’s food pro­jects,  and people who are inter­ested in loc­al food but haven’t yet man­aged to get involved.  Folk will be able to choose the top­ic they’re most keen on and work with oth­ers to plan what can be done over the next year.

There are exist­ing pro­jects like Fruitful Porty or the Portobello Organic Market, which has been incred­ibly suc­cess­ful, but is only fun­ded until the end of March, so it needs volun­teers if it is to con­tin­ue being the great com­munity event it is.  As well as ideas for new pro­jects rais­ing loc­al food aware­ness or set­ting up a com­munity shop.

So, if you are inter­ested in the future of loc­al food in Portobello, come along!

We hope to see you there!

For more inform­a­tion on the first loc­al food links meet­ing see our earli­er post­ing and food page

2 day Introduction to Permaculture

22/23 January 2011 

Colinton Community Compost,


EH13 0PQ

Sliding scale price from £45-£75 — but please don’t let money be the reas­on you don’t attend. 

For more inform­a­tion and a book­ing form, con­tact James Chapman — 

07790 265883 or 01337 842277

FREE Community Gardener Training

In February and March 2011, The Edinburgh Community Backgreens Association (ECBA) will be run­ning a FREE Community Gardener train­ing pro­gramme, cov­er­ing all the skills you need to become a fully fledged com­munity garden­er in your neighbourhood.

During the course of the train­ing, we will estab­lish a com­munity garden­er net­work so the par­ti­cipants can sup­port each other’s pro­jects after the train­ing has finished.

This train­ing is for any­one who is involved in com­munity garden­ing pro­jects, or any­one who would like to start or get involved with a pro­ject.  The par­ti­cip­at­ory approach to train­ing means that we will draw on par­ti­cipants’ var­ied know­ledge and exper­i­ences to learn.

Course Content
some of the key themes we will cov­er are:

* Models for Community Gardening with­in a Tenemental Context
* How to recruit group mem­bers and pub­li­cise Community Backgreen projects
* Design Issues and cre­at­ing a devel­op­ment plan for your site
* Carrying out your back­green plans: run­ning work­shops etc
* Running a Community Backgreen Group
* Establishing a sup­port net­work for the newly trained Community Gardeners

Dates and Location
The Community Gardener train­ing will run on four full Saturdays from 10am-5pm, (with reg­u­lar refresh­ment breaks). The train­ing will be held at the ECBA offices: 5 Rose Street  The dates of the work­shops will be:

Saturday 12th February
Saturday 26th February
Saturday 12th March
Saturday 26th March

Registration and Attendance
You can attend just some or all of the work­shops, as long as you let ECBA know in advance which ones you plan to attend.  To register for the course:
email, or call 0131 248 2698

For more inform­a­tion see the ECBA web­site —