Castle’ Credit Union

Craigmillar Credit Union now cov­ers the whole of the Craignmillar and Portobello Ward and bey­ond.  The fin­an­cial cooper­at­ive is soon to have a new name – ‘Castle Credit Union’ — and is poised to do fur­ther devel­op­ment work in Portobello to attract even more loc­al mem­bers, as it is about to take on a new full-time mem­ber of staff.  So why not enquire about sav­ing with them today, mak­ing sure you get a com­pet­it­ive rate of interest and your money helps people in the area who are on low incomes? The co-oper­at­ive can help mem­bers who save a little reg­u­larly with to get a very low-cost loan for the essen­tials in life, for example a recon­di­tioned fridge, or a ‘starter pack’ when they take on their own ten­ancy for the first time, or spread­ing the cost of next Christmas.

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