Give it a second chance …

Thanks to Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association, a new com­munity enter­prise has set up in neigh­bour­ing Craigmillar offer­ing good qual­ity, low cost recycled fur­niture, white goods, TVs, kettles, toast­ers, microwaves, paint, floor­ing, cur­tains etc. —  all you need to make a home on a very low budget.  Marc 2 are now look­ing for both cus­tom­ers and dona­tions, so do call in at 67 Peffer Place, EH16 4BB – the unit where Duddingston Bakery used to be.  And if you need a good qual­ity new bed or mat­tress, while you’re down that way you might pop in to Blindcraft to see what they have to offer and sup­port the area’s old­est loc­al com­munity enterprise.

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