Just Food: Learning from New York City’s experience

Friday February 11 Quaker Meeting House Edinburgh 5.30 – 8.30

Just Food con­nects loc­al farms with the city to get fresh, sea­son­al and sus­tain­ably grown food to people on all dif­fer­ent incomes

This event is for every­one inter­ested in strength­en­ing Edinburgh’s loc­al food sys­tem and mak­ing afford­able fresh loc­al food avail­able to all.

5.30 Soup and bread

6.30 Talk by Abby Youngblood from Just Food, fol­lowed by discussion

Cost £2 at the door.  Advance book­ing essential

To book or for fur­ther inform­a­tion con­tact pete@whitmuirorganics.co.uk 01968 661908

This event has been sponsored jointly by:

Transition Edinburgh South


Edinburgh Local Food Network

Transition Edinburgh University

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