Grow Your Own course this spring

This spring Dave Roberts of Telferton Allotment Association will be run­ning anoth­er grow your own course in asso­ci­ation with PEDAL.

There are five places avail­able on the course, and the cost will be £15 per per­son in total (this will cov­er the costs of seeds, fer­til­iser and oth­er mater­i­als). The course will be held at Telferton Allotments over four Saturdays — 23 April, 7 May, 14th May, and 21 May 2011.  Participants will learn how to dig, pre­pare and sow the beds. Thereafter it would be up to you to look after the crop with Dave being avail­able to assist and help where neces­sary until November.

The course is aimed at people who have no pre­vi­ous grow­ing exper­i­ence and who did not attend our pre­vi­ous allot­ment grow your own course last year (those who atten­ded oth­er PEDAL grow­ing courses are how­ever welcome).

In the first ses­sion par­ti­cipants will be alloc­ated a plot and Dave will advise on how to pre­pare the ground and dis­cuss with you what you would like to grow. The fol­low­ing ses­sions will focus on pre­par­ing the ground, sow­ing and tend­ing your crop. Dave is happy to help par­ti­cipants to grow whatever they would like, with­in the bounds of the grow­ing sea­son up until November.

For more inform­a­tion or to book a place, con­tact Dave Roberts by e‑mail.

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