Portobello Organic Market October 2011

Stalls for 1st October will be:

Temptations (hand baked cakes, slices and oth­er treats)

Caurnie Soap (artis­an soap producers)

Cramond Bramble (deli­cious fudge)

Let Them Eat Cake (freshly baked treats)

Harajuku Kitchen (fresh Japanese style noodles and sushi)

Burgh Bakes (hand made marsh­mal­lows in a range of flavours)

Maureen Welsh Jams (field fresh jams and chutneys)

Patisserie Jacob (fresh breads plus savoury and sweet pastries)

Windsheil Farm (organ­ic reared meats includ­ing saus­ages, joints and cold cuts, plus eggs)

Arran Cheese (wide range of cheeses includ­ing organ­ic, hard, fla­voured, goats and ewes milk cheese, plus qual­ity oat cakes)

SuperNature Oil (loc­al cold-pressed rape­seed oil)

Man With Fire (BBQ meats and veg­gie snacks)

Pop In Cafe (bak­ing, honey, soup and hot drinks)

Windmill Stump (unique lino prints)

Made in Portobello (hand made gifts inspired by loc­al scenery)

Bloom (hand knit­ted corsages, gifts and accessories)

Oxenfoord Organics (fresh sea­son­al fruit & veget­ables, plus jams and chutneys)

GA Thomson (fresh fish in sea­son, plus smoked fish and shellfish)

Blackmount Organics (organ­ic meats and pies fresh from the farm)

Amnesty International (loc­al con­tacts offer­ing inform­a­tion on the inter­na­tion­al body respect­ing human rights)

PEDAL (your loc­al trans­ition ini­ti­at­ive offer­ing inform­a­tion on low car­bon liv­ing, loc­al pro­jects you can get involved in, plus Porty branded t‑shirts for sale)

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