Remember, Remember the 5th of November …

… because it’s Portobello Organic Market day! In addi­tion to all your reg­u­lar stalls selling mouth-water­ing sea­son­al and organ­ic food, plus loc­al and up-cycled arts and crafts, we have six new traders attend­ing this month:

Whitmuir Organics offer loc­al farm-made organ­ic ter­rine, pate, cooked ham, beef, bacon, quiche, veget­ables, and eggs. They will also have bread rolls from their new com­munity-sup­por­ted bakery;

Maddy Corbin will be selling Scotch eggs (meat and veget­ari­an), cheese bis­cuits, saus­age rolls, unusu­al pre­serves, and tra­di­tion­al hand­made crepe paper christ­mas crackers;

Fare will be on site selling beau­ti­ful ready-to-cook organ­ic meals and Christmas pud­dings this month;

Wood N Menagerie pro­duce wooden gifts, orna­ments and toys hand craf­ted from join­ery off-cuts and oth­er recycled materials;

Changeworks Zero Waste volun­teers will be on hand to give you free friendly advice on how to reduce your waste;

And Portobello Swim Centre will be pro­mot­ing mem­ber­ship deals that can help you reduce your waist.

At the PEDAL stall we’ll be selling our Porty branded t‑shirts (two designs, ‘I Love Porty’ and ‘Home Sweet Home’). Various col­ours and sizes are available.

Where: Brighton Park, Brighton Place, Portobello

When: 9.30am  —  1.30pm

Full list of stall­hold­ers for November 5th.

One response to “Remember, Remember the 5th of November …

  1. Pingback: 5th November is Portobello Organic Market day! « Peter McColl's Blog